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Rise Above The Laws To The Joyful Flute of Ronald Snijders & Ludivine Issambourg
Rise Above The Laws To The Joyful Flute of Ronald Snijders & Ludivine Issambourg

In 2025, the joyful sound of flute-driven Jazz Fusion remains strong as two outstanding musicians elevate our mood. Feel the power to rise above the laws with the music Ronald Snijders & Ludivine Issambourg. Each artist conveys feelings of freedom and happiness in their own unique way as they blow away to pleasant compositions. 

A jazz heavyweight who draws Latin, Brazilian and Surinamese influences into dialogue with the electric sound of Weather Report, Ronald Snijders released four albums between 1977 and 1983. Each of his releases have become holy grails of deep, forward-thinking fusion. Over forty years, 50 releases and 5,000 compositions later, Penta represents a statement return from an unsung jazz great ready to pick up his dues. 

French flutist Ludivine Issambourg continues in the steps of Jazz Master Hubert Laws with "Above The Laws". Ludivine demonstrates her versatility as a rising talent of fusion who crafts her identity by creating a beautiful marriage between multiple music genres. The result is a party where she is at the helm, commanding a celebratory mood driven by the energetic pulse of each instrumental.


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