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Audio: Gangstarr - The Ownerz Tour, Germany 2003 (RIP Guru)
Audio: Gangstarr - The Ownerz Tour, Germany 2003 (RIP Guru)

By JR on 9:37 AM

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As a fan of hip hop, I've been trying to recover from the recent unfortunate news in Guru's passing, it seems like each loss of a great voice like his in hip hop changes my own perspective on life. My way of dealing with the loss is to enjoy the music he's left us and live by the influential messages of his songs.

Courtesy of, here is an audio recording of Gangstarr's 2003 European tour performance for their final album, "The Ownerz". In the set, Guru and Premier perform some of their greatest songs throughout their catalog, including the best of "The Ownerz", showing a great deal of showmanship and crowd control. I never had the opportunity to see Guru & Premo perform live other than my own video recordings from TV, so this is a real treat. Enjoy!

Be sure to check out my previous Gangstarr/Guru related posts using the search option or menu column of the site for audio and video treats.

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