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Can I Kick It? The 100 Greatest Native Tongues Songs by T.R.O.Y.
Can I Kick It? The 100 Greatest Native Tongues Songs by T.R.O.Y.

By JR on 9:25 PM

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As a long-time fan of The Native Tongues, I highly recommend this retrospective of their 100 greatest songs by Jason Gloss and Thun of the T.R.O.Y. blog. Each part of this series includes cover art, audio and great descriptions about what makes each artist's song eccentric and memorable.

It's been over 20 years since the Native Tongues blessed Hip Hop with their first classic. After revisiting their total output I am glad to say each song remains as enjoyable as the day I first discovered it, thanks to the work of fans such as T.R.O.Y. who help bring the greatness of Hip Hop to light.

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