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Video: Big Daddy Kane Interview On The Regis & Kathy Lee Show, 1990
Video: Big Daddy Kane Interview On The Regis & Kathy Lee Show, 1990

Damn, this is one of the most awkward interviews I've ever seen lol. It's like the feeling when older adults who are waaay out of touch with Hip Hop culture decide to criticize you in a humorous way, picking apart the slang, persona and dress code they see. Compared to today's talk show interviews, you can tell this was a period when Hip Hop culture was still very much misunderstood and had yet to be fully embraced by American culture. Nevertheless this is a fun watch, it's Kane in classic form during "It's A Big Daddy Thing" and the release of "I Get The Job Done" as a single.

 Everybody's talkin about the "Unsung" documentary but most probably haven't seen this one..

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