Powerule, Just-Ice, Shawn J. Period, Brian Coleman & More Visit The House List Podcast
By JR on 7:33 AM
Filed Under: Bobby Simmons of Stetsasonic , Brian Coleman , Devin Horowitz , GE-OLOGY , Hip Hop , Interviews (Audio) , Just-Ice , Molecules of The Legion , Powerule , Shawn J. Period
'The House List' is a weekly podcast about the business of show, produced and hosted by Peter Agoston. Enjoy stories which cover a vast spectrum of Hip Hop history from the perspective of influential artists, Music Journalists, Publicists, Promoters, Agents and Label owners who lived it throughout the years.
This playlist features interviews with people who have left a strong impact upon Hip Hop: Powerule, Just-Ice, Shawn J. Period, Brian Coleman, GE-OLOGY, Molecules of The Legion, Devin Horowitz and Bobby Simmons of Stetsasonic.
Subscribe on iTunes: itun.es/us/OgAzfb.c
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