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Portraits Of Musicians Who Gave Us Classic Breaks: Odetta, A Drawing by cratesofjr
Portraits Of Musicians Who Gave Us Classic Breaks: Odetta, A Drawing by cratesofjr

By JR on 4:24 PM

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Showcased on DJ Shadow's "Brainfreeze Breaks", the 1970 song "Hit Or Miss" by American singer, actress, guitarist, songwriter, and a civil and human rights activist Odetta is not only built to make you get down but inspire you to be the best version of yourself as possible. This funky tune would later go on to be covered by other funky people, creating a slew of gems to inspire crate diggers to venture deep.

Enjoy the sound of this great drum break along with my portrait drawing of the late Odettta done in pen & ink on 8.5 x 11 paper.

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