Enjoy the everlasting power of two musical masterminds as members of leading bands Lettuce & Snarky Puppy unite and get down in the name of Stevie and MJ. Live at Highline Ballroom on 2014-08-13
Eric "Benny" Bloom - trumpet (Lettuce / Soulive / Shady Horns)
Adam "Schmeens" Smirnoff - guitar (Lettuce)
Adam Deitch - drums (Lettuce, Pretty Lights)
Cory Henry - keys / bass keys (Snarky Puppy)
Nate Werth - percussion (Snarky Puppy)
* = w/Nigel Hall on vocals
^ = w/Bobby Deitch on percussion
@ = w/Jay White on vocals
# = w/Nikki Glaspie on drums, Adam Deitch on percussion
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