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In 2019, Robert Glasper Chats & Performs For FORM Fest & Kindred The Family Soul
In 2019, Robert Glasper Chats & Performs For FORM Fest & Kindred The Family Soul

By JR on 8:36 PM

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FORM fest features jazz and hip hop legend Robert Glasper with a giant of African music, Malian guitarist Vieux Farka TourĂ©. The two were excited to meet and chop it up, and immediately found a lot of common ground. They get into a lot, including: the role their musician parents played in their own artistic development; the difficulties of being a professional musician in Mali; Vieux’s fear of playing jazz; and the inspiration Vieux drops that Robert wants tattooed on his… well, check it out.

After the talk, keep it locked for a trio of breathtaking improvisations between Vieux on guitar and Robert on keys, accompanied by Vieux’s rhythm section of bassist Marshall Henry and drummer Tim Kiper. The uniquely brilliant singer, songwriter, and sculptor Lonnie Holley, who’d stopped in to watch the session after his own incredible set at the fest, also jumped in to sing on a jam.

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