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Crate Digger Soviet Groove Presents "Polish Library Sequences", Funky 70's Themes Mix
Crate Digger Soviet Groove Presents "Polish Library Sequences", Funky 70's Themes Mix

By JR on 10:04 AM

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Part II mix presents yet 18 little known funky themes recorded by Polish musicians for Western European library labels "Coloursound" and "Standard Music Library". This is the end of 70s, I believe, although the last track was initially released 1971 yet. Recorded from vinyl, Aug 08, 2019... And yes, two tracks have Yugoslavian Croatian origins.

00:00 Crushed Ice (Z. Górny)
04:10 Whisky Sour (J. Popławski)
08:10 Pokusa (A. Maliszewski)
12:15 Superfunc (Z. Górny)
14:53 Discofied (A. Maliszewski)
18:13 Lirico (P. Kałużny)
21:00 ID
24:07 MI5 (J. Matuszkiewicz)
25:35 Get Over (B. Živković)
28:45 Extemporare (B. Živković)
29:50 Creme De Menthe (T. Klimonda)
33:38 Tequila Sunrise (T. Rostkowski)
38:25 Geronimo Parsons (A. Brzozowski)
42:15 Funky Orange (P. Kałużny)
45:05 Destiny (P. Safian)
47:25 Motor Rock (Arp-Life)
50:30 Bu-Bu (Arp-Life)
53:35 Prelude In E Minor (P. Figiel)

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