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Musician Jesse Fischer Visits Blue-in-Green:RADIO For "Cross Currents" EP
Musician Jesse Fischer Visits Blue-in-Green:RADIO For "Cross Currents" EP

By JR on 11:05 AM

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"Welcome to Episode_#24 of the Blue-in-Green:PODCAST which unveils new episodes on the first, second and third Mondays of the month. This podcast series runs in conjunction with the online radio station, Blue-in-Green:RADIO which celebrates 21st century soul, jazz, funk, Latin & hip-hop music. These shows are designed to give you some insight into the incredible range of talented presenters we're so lucky to host from all over the world and to geek out musically with us.

This episode sees Imran secure time with Brooklyn-based producer, keyboardist, band leader, studio engineer and songwriter Jesse Fischer. We discuss Jesse's awesome new EP 'Cross Currents' (along with its high-profile collaborators including Sarah Elizabeth Charles, Nate Smith and Marcus Strickland), life as an independent artist, his musical theatre project called 'Babylon Beyond Borders', musical heroes and much, much more.

A genuine pleasure to have been able to share time with Jesse and we really can't wait for you guys to hear this episode." - Blue-in-Green:PODCAST

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