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The Psychedelic Jazz-Funk Of David Axelrod Goes Orchestral With The HAHA Sounds Collective
The Psychedelic Jazz-Funk Of David Axelrod Goes Orchestral With The HAHA Sounds Collective

David Axelrod's music has a mysterious and intriguing edge to it, which the HAHA Sounds Collective explore in a live rendition of his classics. "The Shadow Knows and "Warning IV" by David Axelrod comes alive in the performance of this great ensemble. Compared to the original songs, HAHA Sounds Collective has a more soft feel but is very authentic. The group capture the drama, intrigue and funky essence of Axelrod's music in a more pleasant way. Plus, it's cool to visualize his music in real time. David Axelrod is one of those musicians who created music that makes you imagine what the studio session was like.

Explore the music of David Axelrod on vinyl on eBay, including Now-Again's release of the "Earth Rot" instrumental LP.

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