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The Vibraphone Is Here To Make You Move With Skinny Hightower & Brown Penny
The Vibraphone Is Here To Make You Move With Skinny Hightower & Brown Penny

Whether you want to go at an energetic pace, or meditate on life calmly, these musical motivators offer inspiration to make you move. The band known as Brown Penny awaken like the sunlight on a morning with "Hairband". This tune is both calming and lively in it's mood as an instrumental that features attractive transitions between mellow and high energy Fusion. "Move" by Skinny Hightower exudes confidence, rhythm and soul in a song that encourages us to take it step-by-step. Like the two-step of a dancer who is confident in their ability to get down, Skinny's groove flows at a feel-good pace. Both bands play upon the vibraphone as the centerpiece of songwriting that injects energy and life into the human spirit.

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