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(Video) RZA of Wu Tang Clan at The 3rd Traditional Wushu World Games
(Video) RZA of Wu Tang Clan at The 3rd Traditional Wushu World Games

This video of RZA's attendance at The 3rd Traditional Wushu World Games martial arts tournament makes me proud to have witnessed the various ways in which hip hop has influenced and transcended international cultures, especially the impact of Wu Tang Clan who have left a positive impact to be carried on for generations to come. I admire RZA's outreach to other creative disciplines of the world such as martial arts and chess to spread the influential messages heard in Wu Tang Clan music about honor, respect and working to achieve your goals in life.

One of the founding elements of hip hop always was to help socialize people in a positive way based on limited resources, competition and entertainment. I'm glad to see this element carried on through a new combination of hip hop and martial arts here at the tournament, I would like to witness something like this in person.

Don Hyun Kiolbassa of Kung Fu Heroes joins the RZA at this martial arts tournament not just to observe and display great skills in the physical sense of the sport, but to show the importance of reaching out to the youth whenever possible as a source of guidance and leadership. Life moves fast on a day to day basis, but when we can find a way to step out of the cycle to genuinely help another, it's a great feeling to have as a person.

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