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The Worst Band Ever: Graham Gouldman of 10cc Interviews With Soul Time Radio
The Worst Band Ever: Graham Gouldman of 10cc Interviews With Soul Time Radio

This episode Pete talks to Graham Gouldman of 10cc who picks his favourite Soul and Funk recordings. The featured album is the debut 'I'm Just a Prisoner' by Candi Saton released on Fame Records in 1970. It's two hours of the greatest music ever made.

As the self-proclaimed "worst band ever", Graham Gouldman, Eric Stewart, Kevin Godley, and Lol Creme of the English art rock band 10cc perfected the art of making highly sophisticated Rock masterworks into simple-sounding pop hits throughout the 70's. Gain insight into the mind of Mr. Gouldman in this interview and discover his taste for Soul and Funk music.

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