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Your Favorite Breaks & Samples Stripped-Down - The Sound Isolation of Sebastiano Ruocco
Your Favorite Breaks & Samples Stripped-Down - The Sound Isolation of Sebastiano Ruocco

By JR on 8:11 AM

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Become a slave to the sound wave as Sebastiano Ruocco aka Iceone uses his skill to present classic breaks in a new way to your ear. Iceone is an Italian Hip Hop/Electro Producer & Dj since 1983 and in 2013 practices the art about "how to extract a single sound or sample from a record". From the sharp horn of "The Grunt" by The J.B.'s to drums, vocals and guitar from other records, Iceone uses his ear and technology to strip the Funk down to it's bare essence.

Info about Professional Sound Isolation:

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