"Parallel Disguise’ is the second EP released by Captain Supernova. An effort comprised of 5 eclectic cover versions. Encompassing well-known new and old songs giving them a spacey Jazz-Funk rendition. The album is mainly instrumental but as well consists of vocals from Captain Supernova playing Vocoder and talkbox. Mixing many live instruments drums, guitar, bass, and horns along with the arsenal of Captain Supernova’s electronic synthesizers. ‘Parallel Disguise’ is a nice blend of electronic and acoustic elements. The album features songs from Bobby Caldwell, Frank Ocean, Marvin Gaye, Roberta Flack, Bob James and the Smashing Pumpkins."
Mixed by C.SN
Mastered by X:144
Synths, Vocoder – C.SN
Rhodes, Organ - C.SN, Ryan Kern
Vibraphone - Joe Martone
Additional Vocals – Angela Muhwezi
Trumpet – Brian Melblom, Nathan Kent
Trombone – Chris Ready
Guitar – Conrad Bauer, Nathan Kent, Nick Bartshe
Bass Guitar – Scott Fulton
Drums – Julian Hogan
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