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The Diabolical Biz Markie Kicks A Beatbox & Introduces His Cold Chillin Debut in '84
The Diabolical Biz Markie Kicks A Beatbox & Introduces His Cold Chillin Debut in '84

In '84, Biz Markie shows the meaning of making the music with your mouth in an interview with The Doctor Nine Show. The Biz visited the Connecticut radio show during the release of his first record with Roxanne Shante. Biz kicks off the show with beat boxing, then after a few questions demonstrates the full range of his skills. A little later, he beatboxes again for a local rap group Heartbeat Nation from Hartford Ct. Then Biz jumps on the turntables, playing mostly records featuring the classic lip-smackin sound of The Human Beatbox. 

R.I.P to the one and only, The Diabolical Biz Markie.


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