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Singer/Songwriter Nicole Berke Preps New LP With "Water For You, Metal" Single
Singer/Songwriter Nicole Berke Preps New LP With "Water For You, Metal" Single

By JR on 8:56 PM

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Returning strong from her outstanding 2013 debut LP "This Bright Before", Boston-based musician Nicole Berke is here to captivate your soul with her powerful voice and remarkable ability to envision life through music in a successfully-funded Indiegogo project. Let the magic touch of Nicole's songwriting and performance resonate as you listen to the first single "Water For You, Metal" and stay tuned to Nicole on social media as this project sets to release online!

"Music is unquestionably an essential form of connection in all of our lives. It's a universal language and a way to process the world around us. For me, it's been a constant outlet, passion, and extension of who I am, and it's not always easy to share such a big part of yourself. But for the first time in a few years, I'm feeling ready to give back and offer what I love in hopes that others will be able to relate to it too.

Although it's been awhile since I've created a record, I have been spending a lot of time immersing myself in music through teaching, practicing, writing and playing. This campaign and resulting album will give me the opportunity to rededicate myself to my own music as a performer, and pursue what makes me happiest. Having a new album to promote will open a lot of doors for me to play shows as well as to reconnect with and grow my audience." - Nicole Berke

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